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OJA, Vahur, Tallinn University of Technology
OKASHA, Mohammed, The Hashemite University
OKONTA, Felix Ndubisi
OKONTA, Felix Ndubisi, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)
OLADIJO, Oluseyi Philip, University of Johannesburg & Botswana International University of Science & Technology
OLEJNIK, Ewa, AGH University of Science and Technology
OLIVA, Jorge , CONACYT-Instituto Potosino de Ciencia y Tecnología
OLIVA UC , Jorge, National Autonomous University of Mexico
OLIVEIRA, Márcio Ulguim
OMRAN, Abdel-Nasser Mohamed , Mining and Metallurgical Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Qena 83513, Egypt.
OMRAN, Abdel-Nasser Mohamed , Al-Azhar University
ONWUDIWE, Damian Chinedu, North West University, South Africa
OOI, Zeen Vee, School of Microelectronic Engineering, University Malaysia Perlis
OPENG, Iskanda
OPUCHOVIČ, Olga, Vilnius University
ORAL, Imran, Konya Necmettin Erbakan University
OREL, Inna, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
ORLIUKAS, Antanas Feliksas, Vilnius University
ORTEL, Erik, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
ORTIZ-RUIZ, Antonio José, University of Murcia
OSHOGWUE ETAFO, Nelson, Autonomous University of Coahuila
OSMANSON, Allison T.
OSSOWSKI, Maciej, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
OTHMAN, Nasyitah , Infineon Tehchnologies
OTROJ, Sasan, Associate professor
Otroj, Sasan, Shahrekord University
OU, Meigui, Guizhou University / Key Laboratory for Materials Structure and Strength of Guizhou Province / National Local Co-construction Engineering Laboratory for High Performance Metal Structure Material and Manufacture Technology
OUADDAH, Chaib, University of Relizane / Laboratory Materials National Polytechnic School
OUYANG, Yong (China)
OUYANG, Yong, Jiangxi Modern Polytechnical College
OZEL, Cengiz, SuleymanDemirel University
OZKAN, Dervis, Asst.Prof.Dr., Bartin University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 74100, Bartin, Turkey.
OZLIMAN, Hanife, Bartin University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
OZOLINS, Jurijs, Riga Technical University
OZOLIŅŠ, Māris, University of Latvia
OZOLINS, Olgerts, Riga Technical University
OZOLINSH, Maris, University of Latvia

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