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Treideris, Marius, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology and Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
Treideris, Marius, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Treigiene, Rasa
TREIGIENĖ, Rasa, Kaunas University of Technology
TREU, Andreas, Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
TRIMDALE-DEKSNE, Aija, University of Latvia
TRNÍK, Anton
Trník, Anton, Czech Technical University in Prague Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
TRNÍK, Anton, Constantine the Philosopher University
Trník, Anton, Physics Department, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra; Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Czech Technical University
TRŠKO, Libor, University of Žilina
TRUBACA-BOGINSKA, Anna, University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry
TRUKŠA, Renārs, University of Latvia
TRUMPAITĖ-VANAGIENĖ , Rita, Vilnius University
TRUNOV, Mikhail, Volgograd State Technical University
TRYKOV, Yuriy, Volgograd State Technical University
TSANOVA-TOSHEVA, Desislava, Sofia Medical University
TSAO, Yuan-Ting, National I-Lan University
TSOU, Chi-Hui, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
TSOU, Chih-Yuan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
TU, Ganfeng
TU, Weiping
TUČKUTĖ, Simona, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuanian Energy Institute
TUFAN, Murşit, Artvin Çoruh University
TUGRUL, Nurcan, Yıldız Technical University
TUMĖNIENĖ, Danutė Marijona, Textile Institute of Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
TUMĖNIENĖ, Marijona Danutė, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Textile Institute
TUMONIS, Liudas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
TUNCEL, Oguz, Bursa Uludag University, Enginering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department
TUNG, Kuan-Wei, National I-Lan University
TURBIN, Petr, Science Center for Physics and Technology
Turcu, Ioana
Turek, Marcin, Institute of Physics, Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin
TURELYK, Margaryta Petrivna, Chuiko institute of surface chemistry National Academy of sciences of Ukraine
TURGUT, Zeynep
TUROVSKA, Baiba, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
Turskis, Nerijus, Kaunas University of Technology
Tuszynski, Waldemar, Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute (ITeE-PIB) Tribology Department ul. Pulaskiego 6/10 26-600 Radom Poland
TWARDOWSKI, Adam, Lodz University of Technology
TYCZKOWSKI, Jacek, Lodz University of Technology
TYCZKOWSKI, Jacek, Lodz University of Technology (Poland)

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