The Influence of Wood Structure Destruction on Viscous Elastic Properties
scantling, board, modulus of elasticity, coefficient of damping, resonance vibration, spruce wood, early wood, late woodAbstract
The paper presents methods and equipment of resonance vibrations used in the studies of influence of wood assortments destruction. The analysis of macrostructure of spruce wood boards and from their cute scantlings is presented. It is shown that modulus of elasticity and coefficient of damping of scantlings depends on orientation of boards cut and proportion of early wood and late wood in the nick. It is obtained that the modulus of elasticity of scantlings in case of radial and mixed cut is by 5 % less than the modulus of elasticity of boards whereof scantlings are cutaway. In case of tangential cut destruction of boards, practically no influence was found. In all cases coefficient of damping of scantlings was higher by 40 % than that for boards. Modulus of elasticity of boards is higher by 2.5 % and coefficient of damping – by 10 % less than the average parameters of from their cute scantlings. The data of research can by used in the making of acoustical and glued-up article of wood, on the selection of viscous elastic parameters of separate parts.
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