Prediction of Creep Strain of the Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) in Long-term Compression
expanded polystyrene slabs (EPS), long-term creep, creep compliance, prediction.Abstract
The creep compliance of expanded polystyrene (EPS) slabs was studied with the aim of developing a simple way for
prediction of long-term creep strain. The prediction of creep strains was carried for 10 years for specimens, which were
subjected to long-term compression of σc = 0.35σ10%. The results were obtained in determining creep strains of the
specimens of expanded polystyrene slabs with density ranging from 15.5 kg/m3 to 35.5 kg/m3. The total time of testing
was 988 days. The prediction of creep compliance development for the period of 10 years was made by extrapolation
based on power and exponential regression equation applied to approximate creep formation. Predictions obtained by
using power and exponential equations were synthesised. A relationship between the creep compliance and EPS density
for the investigated material is revealed.
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