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GAUBAS, Eugenijus, Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research
GE, Minrong, Nanchang University
GE, Shengxu
GE, Xiaole, Huangshan University
GE, Yanfeng, Xi‘an University of Technology
GEDVILAS, Mindaugas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
GEDZEVIČIUS, Irmantas, Public institution Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
GEGECKIENĖ, Laura, Kaunas University of Technology
GENCEL, Osman, Bartin University
GENCEL, Osman (Turkey)
GENCEL, Osman, Bartin University, University of North Texas
GENDVILAS, Rokas, Kaunas University of Technology
GENG, Guihong, Nouth Minzu University
GENG, Qianhao
GENG, Wencong
GEORGE, Glan Devadhas
GETAUTIS, Vytautas, Kaunas University of Technology
GEZERMAN, Ahmet Ozan, Toros Agri Industry and Trade Co Inc. R&D Center
Ghica, Corneliu
Giemza, Bolesław, Air Force Institute of Technology
GIRAUD, Eliane, Arts et Metiers Paristech
GIRSKAS, Giedrius
GIRSKAS, Giedrius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
GLARANCE, Hannah Jennifer, UG Student, School of Civil Engineering SASTRA Univesity, Thanjavur, India
GLASKOVA-KUZMINA, Tatjana, University of Latvia
GLIHA, Vladimir, University of Maribor
GNIP, Ivan, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Gocman, Krzysztof, Military University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
GOK, Mustafa Sabri, Bartin University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
GOK, Mustafa Sabri, Professor, Bartin University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 74100, Bartin, Turkey.
GÖKÇEKUŞ, Hüseyin , Near East University
GOKKAYA, Hasan, Professor, Karabuk University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
GOLAŃSKI, Grzegorz, Czestochowa University of Technology, ul. Armii Krajowej
GOLDMANE, Annija Elizabete, University of Latvia
GOLJANDIN, Dmitri, Tallinn University of Technology
GOLJANDIN, Dmitri, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
Goljandin, Dmitry, Tallinn University of Technology
GOMEZ-ZAVALA, Oscar , Autonomous University of Coahuila
GOMON, Jaana-Kateriina, Tallinn University of Technology
GONG, Feng, Shenzhen University
GONG, Mingyue, Changchun Railway Bus Co., Ltd.
GONG, Mufei, University of Rochester
GONG, Ping
GONG, Shangwei, Shandong University of Technology
GONG, Wei, College of and Architectural Engineering, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
GONG, Wenbiao, Changchun University of Technology
GONZALEZ, Marcelo, University of Waterloo
GOPALAN, Venkatachalam, Vellore Institute of Technology
GOPINATH, Palani, KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology
GORBYK, Petro Petrovych, Chuiko institute of surface chemistry National Academy of sciences of Ukraine
GOSZCZAK, Arkadiusz Jarosław, Mads Clausen Institute, NanoSYD, University of Southern Denmark
Gou, Jun
GOU, Rui-bin
GOU, Xianfang, CECEP Solar Energy Technology (Zhenjiang) Co. Ltd
GP, Ramkumar, Karaikudi Institute of Technology and Management
GRABIS, Jānis, Riga Technical University
GRABIS, Jānis, RTU Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Gradauskas, Jonas, 1. Center for Physical Sciences and Technology and Center for Physical Sciences and Technology 2. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
GRADAUSKAS, Jonas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
GRADAUSKAS, Jonas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
GRAINYS, Audrius
GRANTS, Rolands, University of Latvia
GRAŽULEVIČIUS, Juozas Vidas, Kaunas University of Technology
GRBOVIĆ NOVAKOVIĆ, Jasmina, 1Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
GREVYS, Stanislovas, Kaunas University of Technology
GRICIUTĖ, Gintarė, Kaunas University of Technology
Griciute, Gintare, KTU
GRIGAITIENE, Viktorija, Lithuanian Energy Institute
GRIGALE-SOROCINA, Zane, R&D, Kinetics Nail Systems
GRIGALE-SOROCINA, Zane, Riga Technical University
GRIGALIŪNAS, Viktoras, Institute of Materials Science of Kaunas University of Technology, Barshausko 59, LT-51423 Kaunas, Lithuania
GRIGALIŪNAS, Viktoras, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
GRIGAS, Vytautas
GRIGAS, Vytautas (Lithuania)
GRIGONIS, Donatas, Kaunas University of Technology
GRIGONIS, Mindaugas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
GRIGS, Oskars, Riga Technical University
GRIGUCEVIČIENĖ, Asta, Institute of Chemistry of Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
GRIGUCEVIČIENĖ, Asta, State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
GRINEVIČIŪTĖ, Diana, Textile Institute of Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
GRIVICKAS, Vytautas, Vilnius University
GROSS, Karlis Agris, Riga Technical University
GROTHE, Timo, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
GRUZDYS, Eitvydas, Kaunas University of Technology
GRYBAS, Ignas, Kaunas University of Technology
GRYBĖNAS, Albertas, Lithuanian Energy Institute
GU, Caoyang, Jiangsu Union Technical Institute
GU, Daming, ICDAST
GU, De En, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
GU, Lei
GU, Lingzhu
GU, Xingyong
GU, Yuqiang
GU, Zhenggui, Nanjing Normal University

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