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KHALDI, Nacera , LGCH Department of Civil engineering
KHAN, Debashis, Indian Institute of Technology
KHAN, M. Naziruddin, Islamic university of Madinah
KHAN, Naseer Ahmed, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar.
KHAN, Tanveer Ahmed, Civil Engineering Department BZU, Multan, Pakistan
KHAN, Yousra , NED University of Engineering and Technology
KHAYDAROV, Renat, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
KHELIFI, Sarra, Université Mohammed Seddik Benyahia-Jijel
KHINSKY, Aleksander
KIBIRKŠTIS, Edmundas, Kaunas University of Technology
KICHENARADJAO, Palaniradja, Pondicherry Engineering College
KIEU, Do Trung Kien, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology / Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
KILINC, Mehmet, Uludag University, Institute of Science, Department of Textile Engineering
KIM, Jin-Sik, Department of Materials chemistry and engineering, Konkuk University
KIM, Jin-Tae
KIM, Jin-Woo, Chosun University
Kim, Jooyoun, Kansas State University
KIM, Kyoung-Woo, Korea Institute of Construction Technology
KIM, Seunghun
KIM, Sun-Kyu, Chonbuk Natl. University
KIM, Young-Hyuk, Department of Materials chemistry and engineering, Konkuk University
KIMMARI, Eduard, Tallinn University of Technology
KINERTE, Valentina, University of Latvia
KINERTE, Valentīna, University of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics
Kiprijanovič, Oleg, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, A.Goštauto 11, Vilnius LT-01108, Lithuania
KIPRIJANOVIČ, Oleg, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
KIPRIJANOVIČ, Oleg, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Saulėtekio al. 3Vilnius, LT-10257 Lithuania
KIPRIJANOVIČ, Oleg, Semiconductor Physics Institute of Center for Physical Sciences & Technology A. Gostauto 11 LT-01108 Vilnius
KIPRIJANOVIČ, Oleg, Valstybinis Mokslinių Tyrimų Institutas Fizinių ir Technologijos Mokslų Centras
KIRBAG, Sevda, Firat University
Kirpluks, Mikelis, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
KITAMOTO, Yoshitaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
KITRYS, Saulius, Kaunas University of Technology
KIZANE, Gunta, University of Latvia
KIZANE, Gunta , University of Latvia
Kizane, Gunta, Institute of Chemical Physics, University of Latvia, 4 blvd. Kronvalda, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
KIZANE, Gunta, University of Latvia
KIZANE, Gunta, University of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics
KIZINIEVIČ, Olga, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
KIZINIEVIČ, Viktor, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
KLEVAITYTĖ, Ramunė, Šiauliai University
KLEVECKAS, Tadas, Kaunas University of Technology
KLIGYS, Modestas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
KLIMECKA-TATAR, Dorota, Czestochowa University of Technology
KLOVAS, Albertas, Kaunas University of Technology
KLUSÁK, Jan, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Klym, Halyna, Lviv Polytechnic National University
KMITA, Angelika, AGH University of Science and Technology, Adculty of Foundry Engineering, Krakow, Poland
KNITE, Maris, Riga Technical University
KOBENKO, Stepans, Baltic3D.eu
KOCAK, Dilara, marmara university
KOÇAK, Emine Dilara
KOCH, Gregor, Technical University Berlin
KOCHUBEI, Victoria, Lviv Polytechnic National University
KOČÍK, Marek, Institute of Materials Research Slovak Academy of Sciences Watsonova 47 040 01 Košice Slovak Republic
KODOLS, Māris, Riga Technical University
KOECH, Pius Kibet, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
KOIZHAIGANOVA, Meruyert, Pamukkale University
KÖKEN, Atike, Bursa Uludag University / Bursa Technical University
KOKSAL, Fuat, Bozok University
KOLESNIKOV, Dmitrii, Belgorod State University
KOLESNIKOVA, Tatyana, D.Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University (Kazakhstan)
KOLLO, Lauri
KOLLO, Lauri, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
Kolnes, Märt, Tallinn University of Technology
Koltsova, Tatiana S.
KOMMEL, Igor, All Russian Institute of Standards
KOMMEL, Lembit
KOMMEL, Lembit, Department of Materials Engineering (Estonia)
KOMMEL, Lembit, Tallinn University of Technology
KONDROTAS, Rokas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
KONEČNÁ, Radomila, University of Žilina
KONG, Xiangdong, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
KONOPLIANCHENKO, Ievgen, Sumy National Agrarian University
KONTROS, Jeno E., Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
KÕO, Jakub, Estonian University of Life Sciences
KOPUSTINSKAS, Vitoldas, nstitute of Materials Science of Kaunas University of Technology, Barsausko 59, LT-51423 Kaunas, Lithuania
KOPUSTINSKAS, Vitoldas, Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
KORJAKINS, Aleksandrs
KORJAKINS, Aleksandrs, Riga Technical University (Latvia)
KORKMAZ, Burak Enis, Afyon Kocatepe University
KORNPHOM, Chittakorn, Naresuan University
KORUNČAK, Irina, Kaunas University of Technology
KÖSE, Ceyhun, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat, Turkey
KOSIOR-KAZBERUK, Marta, Bialystok University of Technology
KOSKALIOVIENĖ, TERESA, Physics Department, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentų St. 50, LT-51368 Kaunas, Lithuania
KOSMACA, Jelena, University of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics
KOSTOVA, Yoanna, Equipment and Technology with Hydro-and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
KOSTRZEWA, Marcin, University of Technology and Humanities, Radom Poland
KOT, Liucina, Kaunas University of Technology
KOTAN, Turkay
KOTHANDAPANI, Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor (Senior), SMBS, VIT University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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